Sunday, 19 August 2012

T - 1 DAY

Tomorrows the day, at last I'll be off to Kenya! It feels like its been ages since I first decided I was going and started sorting it out with Em.

I remember telling quite a few people when I was in first year that this kind of thing really wasn't for me and I was definitely an England girl. So deciding this year that I wanted to do some kind of missioney trip over my summer is quite a bit of a turn around! And how excited I am is even more so! (Very, very, very, words do not even begin to describe!)

I'm particularly proud of my light packing. I don't think I'll even need to sit on my suitcase to close it, never mind jump on it - I tend to over focus on material possessions and needing everything for every possible situation that could ever happen. I'm a massive worrier as well, which doesn't help! I've tried to chill out a little this time though, despite the fact I'm still pretty much carrying a whole pharmacy with me!

I don't quite know what I'll be up to when get there yet, so rather excited to find out where I can get involved and what I can spend the next four weeks doing there. I'm hoping to help out in the kitchens and be a part of some classes when school starts back up there but we'll just have to see! I'm particularly excited to get to meet the little girl I sponsor, Virginia, and her family.

The biggest challenges I'm expecting are the two weeks when Em goes back home and I'll be on my own, although hopefully I'll be settled in enough there by then that it'll be fine. Also the cockroaches, as cockroaches give me the absolute creeps!

I'm hoping to get the chance to update this occasionally while I'm in Kenya, although I don't yet know how feasible that'll be, but check back if you want to be kept updated on what I'm up to.

If you want to find out more about the charity I'm visiting, their website is

1 comment:

  1. The cockroaches are this big
    No, really!
